What is a soul?

This question has been on my mind for long and there are some conjectures I have come up with. But recently, finding my conjecture as a theory stated in Bhagavad Gita validated it as an acceptable one.

Let’s start with my conjecture. I used to wonder what’s the difference between a living person and a dead body. I mean what’s missing from the dead body that was keeping it alive before? Atma or soul. And does this soul has a physical existence? The answer is,Yes.

The thing which keeps the heart beating and organs running are the electrical impulses flowing in the neurons of the body, through the synaptic gap. And when a person dies, the physical body is intact but these impulses are absent. By basic logical reasoning, we can conclude that these electrical impulses were the force keeping the body alive. Even some scientific experiments were carried out in which they observed a dying person and they observed some interference around the body at the time of death, naming it as ‘SOUL’. It was nothing but EM waves leaving the body.

Then where these EM waves go and where they come from? Let’s see what Bhagavad Gita has to say about it.wp-1479318793762.jpg

The soul is described as imperishable. Of course! Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. If the soul is electrical impulses, it can’t be created (conversion of energy from matter, i.e, fusion reaction, in a body, is not possible)  nor be destroyed. So the theory that organisms are eternal being is true because our body can be destroyed, but soul being energy, can’t be destroyed.

Also, here it is said that the soul is spread all over the body. This is justifying everything I stated above.


Now the physical size of the soul is given as 1/10,000th part of the upper portion of hair. If we measure it, this is 1/10,000th of 10^-3 meters, i.e, 10^-7 meters. If we now try to imagine the amount of current in the nervous system, which is in micro-amps, the amount of electrons flowing would be around 10^11 electrons per sec (see for yourself). And an electron is of the magnitude 10^-18 meters. So, if we multiply the number of electrons to a size of a single electron we get,  10^-7 meters. THIS IS AMAZINGLY ACCURATE!

The building block of a soul is referred to as a spiritual atom which is said to be smaller than the material atom. Duh! We all know the ratio of the size of electrons to a full atom!

Then the word spiritual SPARK is mentioned, another evidence supporting our theory.wp-1479318802494.jpg

Here, first, the soul is said to reside in our heart. And as we all know the most important function of the impulse is to make the heart beat. The SA &  AV node. Which is the primary activity keeping us alive? So this statement is also relatable.

Second, the spiritual atoms are compared to the sunshine molecules,a.k.a, the photons. And we all know the size of photons depend on the wavelength of light. And wavelength of white light is around 10^-7 meters. AMAZING! Our Vedic science was soo accurate even before the metric system was developed or the microscopes came into play.


Here 2 kind of souls is described – The Supreme soul and the other is particle soul, which is a fragment of that supreme soul. Now imagine the Supreme Soul or Krsna as an infinitely big reservoir of cosmic energy. And our souls are derived from that huge pool. And as we all know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, that pool exists since forever and we being the fragment of it also exists since forever. And also we cannot die. Our body perish but our soul because energy can’t be destroyed.

The body is subjected to change, not the soul. The soul is unaffected by all this and remains the same for eternity. It has no beginning and no end.


The properties of the soul are written here. The soul is called all conscious and all knowledgeable. Let’s see why. If the supreme soul is a big(infinite) pool of energy then all kind of signals should be present there. So, an infinite pool of signals means and an infinite pool of data. In this infinite pool of data, all the information of this universe or any other universe is present. EVERYTHING is present in these signals. Just like the sequence of the number ‘pi’. That’s why it is a very sacred number.

Hence the soul is all conscious and knowledgeable.

So, in the womb, the fetus derive energy from this reservoir and gain consciousness. Lives and dies and the soul return to that pool and the process is repeated unless the soul is able to increase its energy (by means of yoga) to escape the energy barrier (same as electron transitions in an atom) to break from this cycle and attain position in GOKUL, the planet free from the material world.

Another thing I would like to add is that it is stated in Gita that “THE SUPREME TRUTH OR KRSNA”. If we consider our above logic, that we are a fragment of that infinite pool of energy , hence the characteristics we have, our whole should also have them. And the infinite source of energy has infinite possibilities of shapes and sizes and we can’t picture it, as it is in higher dimension but any visualization of that pool will be valid because the number possibilities of the arrangement of the atoms are infinite. Thus the picture which is described in our Vedas, ‘Visnu floating in the cosmic ocean’ is as true as any other imaginable scene.


The demonetisation move!

This move by our beloved prime minister has bewildered everyone. There are mixed reactions, as expected. So what’s the conclusion here?

We all have been crying out about the black money for soo many years, and now when someone has finally taken a step towards it, we can’t tolerate the inconvenience. Shameful! We all write status and cry about politicians corrupting the nation, but when someone takes a step against it, we accuse him! Hypocrisy!

A step as big as this will surely have some effects. When your house is under renovation, don’t you face inconvenience? Right now, the whole country is. When the Delhi Metro was under construction(still is), didn’t you faced hours-long traffic jam? Yes. But see what came out of it.

Such a drastic step was needed and of course, we have to support Modi. Even God can’t change the country without our support, he is still a man, trying his best.

Yes, our Economy will take a hit. But sometimes to execute a long jump, we got to take 2 steps back to go the distance. The effects are short term , the result will be beneficial in long term.

Now, some are arguing about the accidents occurring. Where were you when the innocent people and army men were killed in Kashmir?  The stone pelting and attacks have gone down drastically. Also, in India, 22,500 people die every day. And if we assume that even 1% of our population is out in banks, 225 people can die among them(hypothetical). Only the focus of media on these people has led to the observation of deaths. It’s not like they are killed, like in Kashmir. These are natural deaths. Of course, ill people should not stand in line, that’s why the number of accidents is negligible.

There is chaos. But we have to handle it well, being the educated ones. Modi was trying to get everyone to open a bank account from soo long. It was a long overdue step. Also, he was in favour of increasing the use of plastic money. It all goes with this decision.

Even it is written in Chanakya Neeti, that to minimise corruption (you can’t end it, it is impossible) the currency in circulation should be changed every 10-15 years. Guess what, it’s not something out of the blue.

If you can’t bear this inconvenience, then your lazy ass has no right to cry when you face corruption. At least now I know the people who really want this country to progress and who all are just a bunch of cry babies.




Doctor Strange and Vedic Science

Saw the new Marvel movie Doctor Strange today. Even the comic universe is turning back to our Vedas for a new source of superheroes. Not giving you any spoilers, Dr. Strange becomes a sorcerer through gaining knowledge from our Vedas, written in Sanskrit.

So now one wonder if it is all hypothetical or real, these mystic arts, Sorcery, astral projections and all. Well, we have all heard stories and legends, and it may not be exactly true but they can’t be all false. Let me explain.

Superheroes are fictional. Yes. But they are always based on some real life observations. Human imagination is very powerful, but the brain cannot imagine things which have never been observed.  Like superman, he can fly and all. Humans saw the birds fly and imagined what would if a human could fly. Every superhero and the fictional story are inspired by some rare real life incident. Our brain cannot develop a concept on its own.

So if there is a concept of sorcery, alchemy, magic, spiritual art and manipulation, this must have existed. Maybe its existence was restricted or hidden, but the one who imagined it draws the inspiration from somewhere. Maybe we exaggerate and put it in a flamboyant way. But it must have some roots. Maybe the art is extinct but it doesn’t mean it is false.

Hence, we should not disregard our Vedas because we don’t understand it. Sometimes you have to keep the knowledge you have aside and look the universe in a new way. Arrogance won’t help it as there is very high chance that all the things we now about the universe are false.


Why males are pervert? 

Males have been tagged under the adjective “Pervert” from always. Are we really that way or this thing has an anthropological reason.

First of all, I think, pervert is a wrong  word that showcases this quality as negative. But if dive a little deeper into the evolution, it is the innate quality of the male gender, in all species. Females are supposed to be the birth giver. So their aim to find a partner, have intercourse and then go into a sexually inactive state. So the qualities a female look for in a male is, caring, loving, committed and strength to protect.

Whereas, male’s objective is to have intercourse with as many females as he can. Therefore he needs to charm the opposite sex, get her to consummate and then look for another partner. This is very vital for the expansion of any species. And moreover, females are supposed to be larger in size and number and males are supposed to be less in size and number. But of course, human structured civilization has disturbed this equilibrium. Also, the society we live in now has different fundamentals where these logics aren’t required.

But these behaviors are embedded in our very genes and can be classified under as animal instincts.