The last rites

DEATH is quite final and sudden. But the process a soul and then the body goes through is quite tiresome. We may not understand some things and criticize our tradition blindly, but there’s something much deeper and bigger. And you can only understand that if you got the knowledge which lifts you above this materialistic world.

I’m a Hindu and some people may differ from my opinion and ideologies. I respect their beliefs and expect them to do the same, no one can say anything for certain. All we can do is BELIEVE!

Image result for gita shlok about death Our life is all about Karma and that is how we are bound to this world by it. Nothing is permanent and we know it. Death has always been related to bad and evil. It should not be, death is the end of all pain and miseries as it all belongs to the body which is turned to ashes. The death of a person is difficult for his/her loved ones though, as they still are bound by the strings of this materialistic world.

Image result for gita shlok about death

Only the body perishes. The soul is an eternal thing, which is the part of GOD  Himself. A little-detailed explanation about soul – What is a soul? .The soul carries on through its karmic index and being a believer or incarnation I would say death is just a new beginning, a fresh chapter.

People have some doubts about the system of burning bodies vs burying them. But burning is better and I’ll tell you why. The person has gone, his/her soul has wandered off to a new beginning or moksha. But if you bury them, the loved ones will be forever attached to that piece of land. As it preaches, we should break all the strings attached to the soul deceased and carry on with our karma. That is why we burn the body so that no material of the deceased person is left with us to hold on. Even his clothes and belongings are given away. His/her soul is free too then. The ashes are mixed with land and water as the body is nothing without a soul, but a waste.

I love the way the customs are designed to help the family go through the loss of a loved one. We may not like some because we are not able to understand it. First and the most controversial custom – “Only men can do the last rites and give fire to the body”. Hinduism doesn’t even allow women to go to the ghats. All the feminist may be triggered now, but hear me out.

Women are supposed to be life givers. They bring a soul to this world. Their emotional and psychological build up is such that it enables her to nurture and protects her baby no matter what. This is what enables them to go through so much to bring a soul to this world. On the other hand, men are given the responsibility of the departure of the soul from this world. Men are bought up like that, emotionally strong and mentally cold. We have to be. We have to grow to be a little insensitive and practical. You may say we don’t show emotions or even lack them. But we have to learn to be like this, or how can you expect a person to put his own parents on fire and watch them as they burn.

Burn, burn and burn. You carry them on your shoulders. The people who bought you into this world. Who made you what are. Who fed you, cleaned after you, took care of you, did things for you that not even GOd Himself would do for you. How can you carry their body and put them up to be lit and then sit there and watch them burn, while the smell gets into your head? You can see the gut falling out, the water from the body rising as steam and then poof! All is ash. Like that person never ever existed.

Even if you’ll try to imagine it you’ll get a weak stomach. And we all have to do this one day, all of us men. I may be bashed for this but we always talk about the pain a woman goes through labor but no one talks about the silent pain a man goes through when he lights his own parents and waits there for them to turn into ash. Why only men are allowed because they need to see this as soon as they exit teenage. If any guy has been there, your life can no longer be the same. You know that life is nothing when you see body lining up to be burnt, it’s all a big illusion.

Then some people criticise the long line of rituals that follow in which the son has to sit separately for 12-13 days. Well, it is because even he doesn’t show, he requires the most attention. Food is cooked only once in a day because women need to get a break from chores and spend the time to mourn the deceased. The diet and everything that happens is for a reason. The gathering, the rituals are a distraction. Imagine living alone after you lost a member of your family. Haunting! Those days the family come together to pass the toughest phase. After all, that is what family is all about.

That is why do your duties, don’t be too attached to anything as nothing is permanent, not even you. After you die, you’ll only be remembered for the things you did. That is why do something which makes this world a better place. Serve your family, that is your first duty then society. Put smiles on faces, it’ll earn you blessings. Just look up and do your KARMA!

Loving and Anxiety!

Love is a nasty business in today’s world. It has been developed into an art of deception and emotional manipulation. People no longer say or do what they feel because they feel they may close their “options”. 7 billion people on this planet and how many times you have felt connected to someone. It’s not just pure probability.

Most people just date to make it a social statement that they are lovable because there is no other way to do that. Even friendships have lost their pristine essence. All is corrupted by logic and drama.

And in this world of masked actors if you have anxiety, CONGRATULATIONS! You have a lifetime experience of hell. Maybe you can apply for that new opening for the devil. Lol!

A person with anxiety doesn’t just go with the flow. They are passionate as hell. They don’t even bother communicating with anyone. But if they do, oh boy! They’ll make you think and wonder. They either give it all or stay put. They don’t have a fling. They’ll fall for you with everything they have, don’t break them. Because after you, they have nothing left to build themselves on.

They can’t even maintain a close friendship. Because they give it all again and when the other person doesn’t reciprocate those feelings, it hurts! So they prefer to keep everything inside their head so that they can save themselves some trouble. They cry but you would never see them.

They are a master of disguise! Putting up a strong front. You can never imagine about the darkness that they go through. They will come to help others, always. They will be highly empathetic because they know the pain of being alone. They know how it feels when you have something to share. It can be something sad or maybe a good but never had someone. They can share it with certain people they have, but they are scared about their heart getting weak for them. They’re a mess.

They’ll sense any pain or despair in your voice because they know it. They have mastered this art but you haven’t. And they’ll do anything and everything to make you feel better. Because they know how difficult it is to go through that. They never leave because they know the fear of abandonment.

The fear of this abandonment forces them to be alone“. Ironical.

And if they do fall for you. If they finally cave to your sweet voice, your warm touch or the safe feeling they get with you, BEWARE! They’ll be a pain in the ass. They will be insecure as hell. They’ll be jealous of your exes even if you’ll be married to them. Because their head is DEVIL’S OWN PLACE. When your mood is off, they’ll annoy the shit out of you by asking about your well-being. They’ll constantly nag. Ask “How are you feeling?” every hour of the day. They won’t leave you alone ever. You have to realize that you’re everything for them. You’re the person who is their best friend, gf/bf and the only person they talk to. You never have to worry about them cheating because they have no one to.

They will be even jealous of your friends. They know it is stupid and they won’t say anything but they are selfish as hell when it comes to you and they don’t want to share you with anyone.

They’ll ask you a thousand time that, “Are you sure about us?”. It’s not that they trust you but they don’t even listen to themselves. It is just impossible for them to believe that someone loves them. After whatever they have been through they think everyone leaves, and you have to really put an effort to make them believe that you’re not going to stay and give them the time.

They can get mad on very silly things. Yes, they fight and argue a lot. They can be very self-destructive during it. Sometimes just to check that how far you gonna bend before you break. BECAUSE EVERYONE CAN LOVE IN PRETTY TIMES, HOW YOU BEHAVE WHEN YOU’RE MAD AT SOMEONE PROVES HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THEM.

And a fight with them last maximum of 15 minutes because after that the fear of losing you will take over and they’ll do anything to get you talking to them. That’s the worst part too, they’ll do ANYTHING. They just can’t see you mad at them. You can yell and fight. But ignoring kills them by the seconds.

But they’ll love you with such ferocity that it’ll scare you. Many people leave initially because they can’t even take on the intensity. And someone who get past that, they know that they can do a year’s worth of love in a month. They’ll write you letters, make sketches, tell you every day why you’re so special for them, travel for hours just to see for 5 mins, will remember your choices and taste, will never forget to make you feel special on your favorite occasions and save little things as memories, such as bills, balloons and flowers.

And when you leave, know that you have changed their life upside down. They feel alone even when surrounded by a big group of friends. Something good happens, they don’t feel it because they no longer have someone to share. It can take them years to get over a few months relationship. Every time they listen to a song that you recommended, they’ll break down in middle of anywhere. They’ll never listen to it again. Whenever they’ll eat at the place you liked, they’ll choke a little. They’ll keep all your pictures saved because only that can make them live those moments again and at least help them get it out. They’ll be broken and someone can spend a whole day with them and they’ll never know.

Just don’t say things you don’t mean to such a person. Your feelings may be circumstantial but they have given their everything. And when you leave you’re taking away literally everything from them. And if you chose to stay, you’ll be lucky as hell. If you’re just that strong person to make it through their breakdowns they’ll show you a place soo much better.

They’ll take care of your every little need. They’ll never forget to make you feel special. They’ll support you selflessly. And they’ll be committed. And they’ll never ever leave you, come whatever may. Because they believe everything can be fixed and nothing is worth sabotaging a relationship. They’ll do just anything to keep you.


Why religion?

Presently, the image of religion is not that good among the liberals because of the problems caused by it. Being an agnostic  I have always questioned the origin and tactility of religion. We have a new religion called atheism which originates from science. But if we try to wonder the world without religion, would it be feasible? I don’t think so.

In the early days when the cavemen were forming settlements and adopting agriculture, it was important for people living in that immediate area to work together as a society. We have come soo far because the society is such structured that the work is divided and as we work together as a single community (religion or country) we progress.

Now the people living together in a mass of land has to come together and agree on some common beliefs. If everyone had their own different beliefs then the conflict of interest would never have led to the successful establishment of a civilization. Therefore it was necessary for them to agree to some common beliefs so that they can relate to each one and work as a singular body. And that is why I think humans evolved at the top of the food chain. Because they were able to unite and form settlements. We have conflicts/wars between different countries and communities. But if there was no community to start with, we would be just fighting among ourselves and be among the other carnivores. If there was no religion to start with, we would also be living in packs like other animals and this face of human civilization should never have come into being.

And the geographical constraints led to the initialization of different forms of religion in different areas. But the idea was the same. Now to get them to follow this, a powerful, maybe imaginary figure was placed and that led to the blind following of religion. A religion by fear.

Over the years the concept of religion has been adulterated. It has been enterprise into one of the most successful business models. And also nowadays communities refer to a country, not religion. So the concept of religion is now obsolete. But with the firm ground of it, the idea still prevails.

It is necessary as it keeps every individual under a check. A check by his own conscious, which is a very effective way to keep the evil under control. And if the country consists majorly of one religion it works just fine. But in a multi-cultured country like India, it can place many hinderances.

Plus, we had to understand that the rules of religion and so-called culture were formed thousand of years ago. We have come a long way since. So don’t just blindly follow everything. Reason and then do. Everything had a logic. If that logic is archaic, then drop the practice. Update religion and do it the smart way!

“All girls are raped”

This statement was said to me by a girl who contacted me yesterday after reading my last post on Suicide Awareness. She expressed herself and told me she wanted to commit suicide as her 2.5-year relationship has ended. I was trying to listen and console her, was trying to make her understand the bigger picture. I knew she was in that phase where she won’t listen to anything, but I was trying everything to distract her and telling her my stories. And suddenly I was telling her about a girl I was with a long time ago. She was divorced as she was raped by her husband. But her reaction to this was “Atleast, she was raped after marriage”. I was like what the fuck. I couldn’t respond for some time and then she replied “ALL GIRLS ARE RAPED”

I didn’t quite understand till she shared her experience of being molested when she was 4-5years old and raped by her classmates when 16 years old. I went numb. I was disgusted of even myself. I knew no possible thing to say to her. Then as I thought I realized that the last girl I was with was also molested when she was 12. Then it hit me hard, do all girls go through this. And it has pestered my brain. I can’t think of anything else. Can’t do anything and neither can stop me from feeling guilty.

I don’t understand what it is with this society? How such malevolent creatures are born?

Her ex physically abused her for being a rape victim and doubted her guilt in the act. FUCK! But she still wants to go to him because she thinks that no one would accept her as she is a rape victim. I guess she has been hanging with monsters since birth. Her own family doesn’t support her after knowing what all she has been through. I feel so sorry and horrible for her.

The only reason that there are male and female are to reproduce. We all are humans. What is between our legs doesn’t define you as a human. It shouldn’t label and restrict you.

Since the evolution of humans,  females were given the responsibility of reproducing and nourishing the offspring. It was a sedentary job. Whereas males were meant to hunt and protect, thus males were genetically more physical. But we have come a long way since then. Humans have built a society which compares people in terms of intelligence rather than physical strength. So why do we still care about the sex of the other person? How does it matter that whether I have a vagina or a penis between my legs? I’m a coder and I do my job with my fingers and my head.

Also, for women to do manly stuff is considered as a compliment. But if a guy does something even remotely related to a woman, he is less of a person? Seriously! You know what, if you think like that, FUCK YOU! Who is the one to decide roles in terms of gender. It’s an invalid criteria.

We need people to change the sick view they have about women. For example, menstruation is so frowned upon, like ewww, what’s that blood and mucus? Well, if your dad didn’t have sex with your mom, you would also be dispensed as the same mucus and blood. It’s what forms into a human and you find it gross. You can change the diaper of a baby with sick smelling shit, but if you spot a used sanitary napkin, you treat it like a nuclear waste. Embrace the menstrual cycle of the woman, it is something extra she has to go through to make sure assholes are born in our societies. Support them, make it easy for them, to ease their pain. They already have cramps, just don’t be another pain in their arse.


Picture credits – Gaura Lohani ( and Sagarika Behl ( 

I just want to say that we some boys are with you. Speak against the crimes done against you, don’t loose hope and don’t break. We need to identify these victims and support them emotionally as even their own families don’t invest much in them because PARAYA DHAN. Seriously Fuck!

As for the girl, she feels disgusted and thinks that no one will accept her because she is a rape victim. I have been with a rape victim, it doesn’t matter. It is her bad luck that she grew up between the scum part of our society.

So I want you guys to leave a message for her to tell her how beautiful she is (I’m not saying she looks beautiful, but that SHE IS BEAUTIFUL). That none of it was her fault and she deserves a life much better than this. I’ll show it to her and then maybe this will put a smile on her face.


Kiling yourself is not an option

Another student committed suicide. Another example of the pathetic condition of mental health management in this country. When will people realize that DEPRESSION is a disease and not just a phase. When will parents come out of the blindness caused by the pressure of the competition to be successful. What is success? Trading your whole youth so that you can die rich. Is it success? FUCK this success. This is all a farce concept created by the illusion of money and society.

We were born as a part of a sustainable ecosystem. It took billion of years for us to come here. We were meant to eat and reproduce. Humans built a society around the best tool they had. “BRAINS”. And this all led to the current concept we live in. Now some of us may be misfits, weird, unorthodox, but that doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to live. FUCK them who build this system for some selective people. And remember, every person who changed this world was regarded as an outcast by this society. So FUCK this society. It’s is only you that matters to you.

Maybe you are not meant to study. You can’t score well. You’re an artist. Or a philosopher. Maybe something you can’t make a living of. But nothing in this world is impossible. I remember this quote and nothing can say it better.

With the digitalisation of human lives, emotions are lost. There is no comfort in texting. There is no replacement of a warm hug on your difficult days. There is no better person to listen to you than your parents. If they don’t understand, try to make them. We can surely find someone who can listen to us and give us the support we need. And be the support if you feel someone needs it. A simple compliment can change someone’s life. I remember some days, where it was all dark, and a random word of comfort from someone changed my whole perspective.

REMEMBER! When you hurt yourself, you hurt the people you love more. Believe me, been there, done that. DON’T DO IT!

Your parents may not understand, your friends may not understand, the girl you loved left you. You lived through all this, then why end your life. Have you met the soulmate yet? Have you had the break of your career yet? What if you’re just one step closer? If you feel worthless, dedicate your life to better the lives of others and you’ll become the most special person to someone.

The modern age has caused a lot of chemical turbulences and with the loss of human interaction, and thus it is becoming difficult to cope with that. Sit with your grandparents, listen to their stories, spend time with family because they’ll always be there, play with a kid or dog, go for a road trip, talk to a begging child and play with them, you’ll learn how life should be lived.

Everyone, please listen to the words people don’t say. Give out hugs. Spend time with them. Ask them how they’re doing. And if you sense a fatal case, don’t ignore, do something about this.

You’re bigger than your problems, that taunts, that failures and this society. Spend time with yourself and identify what you can do and how you’ll do it. And enjoy life while doing it. There is no point in struggling through life if it’s not making you happy.

And if anyone feels like talking or sharing, hit me up. I’m always up for listening because I have been there. You just have to be strong and keep moving towards the light, and at the end, everything will be fine. And if it isn’t fine, I’m happy that I enjoyed the struggle through life and didn’t give up.

Friends we are here to listen, so speak up.

Love is omnipotent

When I talk about love, it isn’t about a guy and a girl only. Love is a force which drives human consciousness. It is what keeps us connected to this material world and it is the same thing which enables us to get over it and attain MOKSHA. Love is energy as it is a part of our soul. Hence love transcends space and time.

It is the forte of humans as a species but love can be found as a primary source of bonding in animals also. Maybe love was an additive entity to facilitate sexual relationships to maximize the growth rate. But it is certainly the most powerful force driving our universe. The presence of love can bring 2 people miles apart together, let the masses worship an inexistent entity and make a mundane guy a superstar. Lack of love, i.e hate can cause wars and end the existence of our world. Love is indeed mighty!

Even death cannot separate people if they love each other. Their physical vessel may no longer be there, but we can still feel our loved ones and we continue to regard them as “OURS”. Even death is powerless in front of love.

Then what is love? Does it come in different shapes and sizes? No.

Love is a singularity. Do not confuse it with the petty games young people play to get attention, to satisfy their narcissistic personality or to get laid. A mother’s love which is full of care and nourishment, dad’s love which is full of care and support, sibling’s love which is full of protection and help, friends love which if full of acceptance and fun and a partner’s love which is full of passion and possession, are all the same. The extras in every relationship are different but the crux of all share the same core.

Faith is also a very powerful tool. It keeps the people under check by using a method of scaring them. Faith has led us all to believe in something which may/may not be real without questioning its existence. But if you want to be a true follower, love your god, don’t fear HIM.

Now, is love a process? Do you fall in love? Or you walk into it soundly? There’s no tactile answer.

You just meet someone and you just click. Maybe you’re far away, you never met and you still feel closest to that person. That is love, and once you love someone you don’t get to leave them. So these stupid tantrums like breakups and all can’t be called love. How much may your parents/siblings annoy you, you don’t leave them! You’ll always care, and that is love. If you’re in love, the person doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is love. And if you’re really in love, forever is like a Sunday.

Drop the politics and logic. To be in love, listen to the voice inside your head, because you can’t understand love or measure it, you can only feel.

What is a soul?

This question has been on my mind for long and there are some conjectures I have come up with. But recently, finding my conjecture as a theory stated in Bhagavad Gita validated it as an acceptable one.

Let’s start with my conjecture. I used to wonder what’s the difference between a living person and a dead body. I mean what’s missing from the dead body that was keeping it alive before? Atma or soul. And does this soul has a physical existence? The answer is,Yes.

The thing which keeps the heart beating and organs running are the electrical impulses flowing in the neurons of the body, through the synaptic gap. And when a person dies, the physical body is intact but these impulses are absent. By basic logical reasoning, we can conclude that these electrical impulses were the force keeping the body alive. Even some scientific experiments were carried out in which they observed a dying person and they observed some interference around the body at the time of death, naming it as ‘SOUL’. It was nothing but EM waves leaving the body.

Then where these EM waves go and where they come from? Let’s see what Bhagavad Gita has to say about it.wp-1479318793762.jpg

The soul is described as imperishable. Of course! Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. If the soul is electrical impulses, it can’t be created (conversion of energy from matter, i.e, fusion reaction, in a body, is not possible)  nor be destroyed. So the theory that organisms are eternal being is true because our body can be destroyed, but soul being energy, can’t be destroyed.

Also, here it is said that the soul is spread all over the body. This is justifying everything I stated above.


Now the physical size of the soul is given as 1/10,000th part of the upper portion of hair. If we measure it, this is 1/10,000th of 10^-3 meters, i.e, 10^-7 meters. If we now try to imagine the amount of current in the nervous system, which is in micro-amps, the amount of electrons flowing would be around 10^11 electrons per sec (see for yourself). And an electron is of the magnitude 10^-18 meters. So, if we multiply the number of electrons to a size of a single electron we get,  10^-7 meters. THIS IS AMAZINGLY ACCURATE!

The building block of a soul is referred to as a spiritual atom which is said to be smaller than the material atom. Duh! We all know the ratio of the size of electrons to a full atom!

Then the word spiritual SPARK is mentioned, another evidence supporting our theory.wp-1479318802494.jpg

Here, first, the soul is said to reside in our heart. And as we all know the most important function of the impulse is to make the heart beat. The SA &  AV node. Which is the primary activity keeping us alive? So this statement is also relatable.

Second, the spiritual atoms are compared to the sunshine molecules,a.k.a, the photons. And we all know the size of photons depend on the wavelength of light. And wavelength of white light is around 10^-7 meters. AMAZING! Our Vedic science was soo accurate even before the metric system was developed or the microscopes came into play.


Here 2 kind of souls is described – The Supreme soul and the other is particle soul, which is a fragment of that supreme soul. Now imagine the Supreme Soul or Krsna as an infinitely big reservoir of cosmic energy. And our souls are derived from that huge pool. And as we all know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, that pool exists since forever and we being the fragment of it also exists since forever. And also we cannot die. Our body perish but our soul because energy can’t be destroyed.

The body is subjected to change, not the soul. The soul is unaffected by all this and remains the same for eternity. It has no beginning and no end.


The properties of the soul are written here. The soul is called all conscious and all knowledgeable. Let’s see why. If the supreme soul is a big(infinite) pool of energy then all kind of signals should be present there. So, an infinite pool of signals means and an infinite pool of data. In this infinite pool of data, all the information of this universe or any other universe is present. EVERYTHING is present in these signals. Just like the sequence of the number ‘pi’. That’s why it is a very sacred number.

Hence the soul is all conscious and knowledgeable.

So, in the womb, the fetus derive energy from this reservoir and gain consciousness. Lives and dies and the soul return to that pool and the process is repeated unless the soul is able to increase its energy (by means of yoga) to escape the energy barrier (same as electron transitions in an atom) to break from this cycle and attain position in GOKUL, the planet free from the material world.

Another thing I would like to add is that it is stated in Gita that “THE SUPREME TRUTH OR KRSNA”. If we consider our above logic, that we are a fragment of that infinite pool of energy , hence the characteristics we have, our whole should also have them. And the infinite source of energy has infinite possibilities of shapes and sizes and we can’t picture it, as it is in higher dimension but any visualization of that pool will be valid because the number possibilities of the arrangement of the atoms are infinite. Thus the picture which is described in our Vedas, ‘Visnu floating in the cosmic ocean’ is as true as any other imaginable scene.


Doctor Strange and Vedic Science

Saw the new Marvel movie Doctor Strange today. Even the comic universe is turning back to our Vedas for a new source of superheroes. Not giving you any spoilers, Dr. Strange becomes a sorcerer through gaining knowledge from our Vedas, written in Sanskrit.

So now one wonder if it is all hypothetical or real, these mystic arts, Sorcery, astral projections and all. Well, we have all heard stories and legends, and it may not be exactly true but they can’t be all false. Let me explain.

Superheroes are fictional. Yes. But they are always based on some real life observations. Human imagination is very powerful, but the brain cannot imagine things which have never been observed.  Like superman, he can fly and all. Humans saw the birds fly and imagined what would if a human could fly. Every superhero and the fictional story are inspired by some rare real life incident. Our brain cannot develop a concept on its own.

So if there is a concept of sorcery, alchemy, magic, spiritual art and manipulation, this must have existed. Maybe its existence was restricted or hidden, but the one who imagined it draws the inspiration from somewhere. Maybe we exaggerate and put it in a flamboyant way. But it must have some roots. Maybe the art is extinct but it doesn’t mean it is false.

Hence, we should not disregard our Vedas because we don’t understand it. Sometimes you have to keep the knowledge you have aside and look the universe in a new way. Arrogance won’t help it as there is very high chance that all the things we now about the universe are false.


Why males are pervert? 

Males have been tagged under the adjective “Pervert” from always. Are we really that way or this thing has an anthropological reason.

First of all, I think, pervert is a wrong  word that showcases this quality as negative. But if dive a little deeper into the evolution, it is the innate quality of the male gender, in all species. Females are supposed to be the birth giver. So their aim to find a partner, have intercourse and then go into a sexually inactive state. So the qualities a female look for in a male is, caring, loving, committed and strength to protect.

Whereas, male’s objective is to have intercourse with as many females as he can. Therefore he needs to charm the opposite sex, get her to consummate and then look for another partner. This is very vital for the expansion of any species. And moreover, females are supposed to be larger in size and number and males are supposed to be less in size and number. But of course, human structured civilization has disturbed this equilibrium. Also, the society we live in now has different fundamentals where these logics aren’t required.

But these behaviors are embedded in our very genes and can be classified under as animal instincts.

Relationship and love

All the relationships a human is bound in have been made beforehand. Like parents, family. We don’t get to choose it. We got it. And what is beautiful in that is, whatever kind of family you have, you love them still. Till the end. Even if they are world’s most difficult people. You don’t abandon them.

And then come love and friendship. In friendship, we let the universe do it work. We meet several people, but universe filters them with time and gives us the one we deserve. But love. One thing that decides our future family and life.

 And I do not understand why people leave in that relationship. Maybe because they have options. We don’t get options in choosing our siblings or parents. That’s why we try our best to understand them and adapt to them. Love them whoever they are. That’s missing in that. We’ll always have a better person than the person we are with. We should not keep options, but decide for once and commit. Take the time to decide and don’t look back. That’s what hold the secret for a successful relationship. That’s why our parents have a successful marriage even after being arranged. Love can be worked out, commitment and honesty are the things that’re missing.